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PROMOTIONS: Flyer Printing + Distribution for only $499


Solution For Recruitment

In a crowded and competitive market, standing out should be on the top of your priority list. With so many recruitment businesses trying to capture the attention of customers and job seekers, it can be challenging for owners to set your business apart. Flyer distribution can be a cost-effective way for recruitment companies to reach potential job seekers and promote job opportunities.

Best Package Solution

HDB Awareness (Target Blue Collars)

You can distribute flyers in areas where the job opportunities are relevant, such as in neighborhoods with a high concentration of job seekers. This way, you can ensure that your flyers reach the right audience like Blue Collars.


Engaging in flyer distribution during the bustling morning hours in crowded MRT/Market serves as a strategic move to elevate the brand awareness of your recruitment company. By positioning your brand amidst the morning crowd, you not only capture the attention of potential job seekers but also convey the message that your company is a reliable and consistent source for valuable job opportunities. During these peak hours, individuals are actively commuting and seeking information, presenting an opportune moment to imprint your brand in their minds.


Distribute your flyers near job fairs and college campuses to capitalize on those job opportunities. Make sure you include a call-to-action, like a QR code that directs to a website URL or phone number, so that people can respond quickly. You’ll be able to reach the right people by targeting areas relevant to the job opportunities.