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PROMOTIONS: Flyer Printing + Distribution for only $499


Solution For Tuition Centre

The real challenge for the tuition centre industry is the limited window to distribute flyers after exams and before school holidays. This means that you need to be prepared and have your marketing strategy well-planned in order to make the most of this opportunity. However, We have some package solutions that can help you to create a successful campaign for your business.

Best Package Solution

Heartland Areas (MRT) (Street awareness)

You can distribute your flyer in the bustling streets or popular MRT stations to make an impact on your target audience in high-traffic areas . Street awareness is the ultimate solution for the travel industry to stand out from the crowd! With Street EyeOnMe, a cutting-edge campaign strategy, you can easily captivate your audience and raise awareness for your business.

Whether you’re looking to make a lasting impression or simply increase your brand recognition, this solution is the perfect tool to help you achieve your marketing goals. So why wait? Start implementing Street awareness today and watch your business soar to new heights!

School distributions (Outside Primary / Secondary / Junior College)

By strategically targeting areas outside of schools (Primary / Secondary / Junior College) with flyers, you can reach students who are seeking out additional academic support and are in need of your services.

With a well-designed and informative flyer, you can showcase your tuition center’s unique strengths and offerings, positioning yourself as the go-to choice for students who are serious about their academic success.

Don’t settle for lackluster marketing that misses the mark – choose school flyer distribution and take your tuition center’s success to new heights!

HDB Distributions (Awareness)

If you wan to expand your tuition center’s reach and connect with more students, HDB flyer distribution is a great way! By strategically targeting high-density residential areas with flyers, you can reach family who are seeking out additional academic support for their children.

With a well-designed and informative flyer, you can showcase your tuition center’s unique strengths and offerings, positioning yourself as the go-to choice for parents who are serious about their children academic success. Whether you’re promoting exam preparation courses, specialized tutoring services, or enrichment programs, HDB flyer distribution can help you get your message directly in front of the people who matter most.

By targeting these specific areas, you can increase awareness of your tuition center among the most desirable demographic groups and boost enrollment among students who are looking for academic support outside of school hours. HDB flyer distribution is an effective way to get your message out to a wide audience and ensure that your tuition center stands out from the competition.

Don’t let your tuition center get lost in the crowd – choose HDB flyer distribution and take your marketing efforts to the next level!